
Historical reenactment of Ponti sul Mincio

A unique event day on September 29th: Fort Ardietti will be open for guided tours with reenactors in uniform. This year, the “INDIPENDENZA” Historical Reenactment of Ponti sul Mincio returns to Fort Ardietti. It is a spectacular defensive architectural complex located on the borders between the territories of Ponti sul Mincio (MN) and Peschiera del Garda (VR).

A day to relive the history of the Italian Risorgimento, alongside the reenactors! The Historical Reenactment of Ponti sul Mincio awaits you.

Historical reenactment of Ponti sul Mincio
Credits: M. Piavoli

Ponti sul Mincio

The town of Ponti sul Mincio is located not far from Lake Garda, on the morainic hills. It can also be reached by bike along the beautiful cycle-pedestrian path that runs along the Mincio river. Ponti sul Mincio and in particular its Scaliger Castle are worth a visit during your stay on Lake Garda.

From the charming farmhouses scattered around the fields, to the small houses in front of the ancient Castle, in Ponti you can breathe cordiality and tradition. Reason for which, the municipality has been awarded with the prestigious Orange Flag, a recognition by the Italian Touring Club.

Before going into the details of the event, let’s delve into the history of this place to visit near Lake Garda.

Forte Ardietti
Credits: M. Piavoli

The Forte Ardietti

The fort is a small jewel hidden away from the typical paths on Lake Garda. It was established between 1856 and 1861, following the siege of Peschiera in the first war of independence. Forte Ardietti is one of the 14 forts that were built to protect the territory and more specifically Peschiera. Why all this protection?

In 1848, when the Savoy advance managed to conquer the fortified stronghold, the risk of a subsequent fall of Verona was imminent. To avoid this, the Habsburg Empire, having reconquered Peschiera, created a new and stronger defensive system:

The Austrian Quadrilatero which includes Peschiera, Verona, Mantua and Legnago. This defensive system, ordered by Marshal Radetzly, involved the defensive potential of the river lines of the Mincio and Adige and those of the fortresses of Verona, Legnago, Mantua and Peschiera. At the same time Peschiera was surrounded by 14 forts scattered over the surrounding morainic hills.

Historical reenactment of Ponti sul Mincio
Credits: M. Piavoli

Among these, Forte Ardietti is one of the best preserved. It remained almost unchanged over time, apart for a few undergoing changes for subsequent uses. Even the least interested person cannot fail to be struck by the place, so unique in its kind that it cannot go unnoticed.

The construction of the Forte Ardietti can be divided into two stages. The first dates back to 18531859 when they dug the moat and built the Carnot and Caponiere walls. Its second dates back to 18591861 when they built the central foyer. This made it one of the best equipped forts in the quadrilatero.

Now that we have deepened the history of this place to visit near Lake Garda, let’s get to the main news. Let’s see all the details of this event.

The Programme

Lunch at the Historical Osteria of Fort Ardietti

Throughout the event, the kitchen of the Historical Osteria will remain open: you can choose from the delicious dishes typical of tradition for your lunch. All of this in a nineteenth-century setting, in the company of reenactors in uniform!

The menu boasts numerous options: tortellini with melted butter, a sandwich with sausage and onion, beans with luganega sausage, and beans with tomato. You will also find desserts and beverages.

If you are a large group and wish to experience this gastronomic adventure at the Fort, it is necessary to make a reservation in advance. This way, you will be ensured a quick and punctual service. You can send an email to info@gardalanding.it or contact Tourism Peschiera Infopoint.

A unique opportunity to immerse yourself in the tradition of one of the most historically rich places to visit on Lake Garda.

Historical Reenactment of Ponti sul Mincio; INDIPENDENZA

The period of the Unification of Italy is punctuated by a thousand battles for liberation. The Italian wars of independence, main episodes of the Risorgimento, involved the Garda territories between 1848 and 1866.

Let yourself be drawn into a typical day of the era; battalions lined up in tight ranks will march in the typical close formation of early 19th-century armies. You will witness training sessions and guard posts. You can get up close to the daily life of soldiers, even entering the fascinating Historical Osteria.

Visiting the fort in these roles allows you to see and experience firsthand what life was like within its walls.

An educational moment to remember heroes who were often close but sometimes too distant. The uniforms, the explosions, and the smell of gunpowder… During the visit, you will breathe in the solemn atmosphere of days that saw men fight for the universal ideals of freedom and independence. Never will past history feel so close.

What to do to participate in the Historical reenactment of Ponti sul Mincio on September 29th, 2024:

  • To access the Fort, it is necessary to purchase an entrance ticket, which will allow you to attend the guided tour lasting about an hour.
  • Tickets are available at a cost of €8 for adults, €4 for children between 5 and 10 years old, and for residents of Ponti sul Mincio. Admission is free for children up to 5 years old. Tickets can be purchased online on this website or at the Tourism Peschiera Infopoint.
  • Guided tours are on reservation depart at 10:30 AM, 11:30 AM, 3:00 PM, and 4:00 PM.
  • Throughout the day, reenactors will march and engage in mock battles within the fort, and you can choose the visiting time that suits you best.

You just have to stop by the office to purchase the ticket and mark the date in your agenda for your appointment with history.

September 29th, 2024, Historical Reenactment of Ponti sul Mincio.


GardaLanding: la prima agenzia turistica sul Lago di Garda

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