
Traveling sustainably

As travelers, we recognize the impact of our choices on the places we visit. We commit to being responsible and sustainable tourists, striving to leave a positive footprint in the places we explore. By taking this pledge, we acknowledge our role in shaping the future of travel and promise to be ambassadors of responsible and sustainable tourism. Together, we can contribute to the well-being of our planet and create enriching experiences for ourselves and the communities we encounter.

Make your promise

1. I promise to be a responsible traveler

2. To fully enjoy the natural beauty, leaving nothing but my footprints behind

3. I will strive to opt for local food products as much as possible by visiting farmers' markets and local markets

4. I will reduce the use of plastics and single-use items, and I will make an effort to turn off the electricity when I am not at my accommodation to reduce my environmental impact

5. I will prioritize local businesses, contributing to the well-being of small artisanal businesses in the area

6. I will share my commitment to responsible and sustainable tourism with other travelers, encouraging them to adopt similar practices, believing in the power of collective responsibility to create positive change

Thank you for making your commitment. Would you like to learn more?

Find inspiration and tips for sustainable travel in the articles below.

Slow Travel